Project Description

Debmarine Namibia is a recognised world leader in marine diamond exploration and mining technology. Debmarine Namibia is a joint venture marine diamond prospecting and mining Company, owned in equal shares by the Government of the Republic of Namibia and De Beers. Debmarine Namibia became operational in 2002.
Debmarine Namibia’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) incorporates economic responsibility, environmental responsibility and social responsibility. On a strategic, long-term approach to implement CSR, Debmarine Namibia strives to achieve sustainable development.
The Debmarine Namibia Social Responsibility Fund and the Debmarine-Namdeb Foundation (jointly owned by Debmarine Namibia and Namdeb) continues to support various projects throughout the country. The social funds focus primarily on Education, Women and Girl Child Empowerment, Access to Opportunities (in particular the youth), Biodiversity and Rarity Conservation, and other deserving causes. A concerted effort is being directed towards the identification of further opportunities of assistance towards the Government drought relief and water scarcity efforts and supporting impoverished communities in rural areas. Additionally, Debmarine Namibia partners with the National Road Safety Council and the MVA Fund on ways to support the national road safety awareness efforts.
Employees are the primary assets of any company. Therefore Debmarine Namibia jealously guards and invests in the health and wellness of the men and women behind this world leading marine diamond mining company.
Debmarine Namibia’s investment in the development of various employee wellness workplace programmes, is evidence of its commitment to its policy of ZERO HARM, in terms of the health of its employees.
The Company has a holistic wellness programme in place that focuses on the prevention, care and awareness of diseases, providing a variety of services. The programme is intended for employees but is also extended to employees’ families and communities. The programmes focus on chronic disease management, HIV/ AIDS management, nutrition and fitness, acute illnesses and general wellness.
Skills development is critical to the Company and ensures that our investment in the development of local talent empowers our employees, our communities and fosters economic opportunity for Namibia in support of Vision 2030. The Company puts significant emphasis on skills development through a wide range of programmes including; bursaries, technical training, long-term trainee, self-study assistance, leadership development and safety awareness. Our commitment to Zero-Harm in terms of the safety of our employees results in mandatory participation of employees in regular safety training programmes aimed at ensuring continuous safety risk awareness and management.
The Namibianisation of the workforce is a key initiative that is driven at the highest level. Currently the Debmarine Namibia workforce stands at 900 employees.
As an offshore mining operation, our immediate community consists of living sea organisms, plants and mammals. We are passionate about our marine environment and endeavour to meet and lead global best practices in this area.
Our environmental management system is certified to the international ISO14001: 2004 standard. This standard specifies requirements for an environmental management system to support environmental protection and prevention of pollution in line with legal requirements and socio-economic needs in close consultation with key stakeholders and affected parties. We have embarked on extensive initiatives to develop greater awareness of the intriguing marine environment.
Our ongoing environmental benthic monitoring programme investigates the impact of marine mining on benthic communities. The benthic analysis is conducted by independent scientists and reports are peer reviewed by external independent internationally recognised marine scientists and environmental experts.
Working smarter for the future
Debmarine Namibia operates in the Atlantic 1 mining licence area off the southern coast of Namibia, at water depths of up to 140 meters. The Company operates five diamond mining vessels, namely Debmar Atlantic, Debmar Pacific, !Gariep, Grand Banks and Mafuta. Two mining technologies are deployed, the airlift-drill and the crawler mining technology. The mining vessels mine diamonds off the ocean floor using highly advanced drill technology and supported with sophisticated tracking, positioning and surveying equipment. The Company recently acquired and inaugurated its sixth vessel, an exploration and sampling vessel, mv SS Nujoma.
Offshore logistical support services are provided to the mining vessels by means of fixed and rotor wing aircraft and tug services.
Debmarine Namibia invest heavily in research and development to improve its fleet of sophisticated technology. The Company continuously breaks new ground with improved mining systems.
Through our commitment to ensuring long-term sustainability, strategic partnerships and active stakeholder engagement, we will continue to live up to our mission of delivering maximum value to our shareholders and stakeholders thereby unlocking the sparkle of the offshore diamonds for Namibia.
To be the global benchmark in marine mining. Forever.
To mine marine diamonds sustainably.