NAMIB MILLS (PTY) LTD 2023-03-16T07:39:37+02:00

Project Description




Since Namib Mills was founded in 1982 with the establishment of a maize mill in Windhoek the company has evolved into Namibia’s leading supplier of staple foods. The company’s prominent position is reflected in its well established and diversified range of preferred wheat flour, maize meal, pasta, sugar, rice and Mahangu brands. 

The company employs ±1 200 people throughout Namibia. The main production facility is situated in Windhoek and consists of a wheat mill, maize mill, pasta plant, complete mix plant, rice packaging plant and a sugar packaging plant. In Otavi the company operates a maize mill, a mahangu mill, instant maize meal and a sugar packing plant.  

Household brands include Bakpro, Top Score, Pasta Polana, Pasta la Vita, Rice King, Meme Mahangu and Sugar King. Namib Mills also sells its milling by-products as feed ingredients to Feedmaster, an animal feeds company in the NMI Group, also based in Windhoek.

Utilising modern production technology, Namib Mills takes pride in manufacturing products to the highest international standards, utilizing modern production technology in all our operations. Namib Mills is certified with ISO 9001:2015. As part of a continuous drive for improvement, Namib Mills always strives towards certification based on the requirements of SANS 10330:2007, supported by a Food Hygiene Management System that conforms to the requirements of the SANS 10049:2019 Standard. HACCP (SANS 10330:2007) certification has also been obtained for the Pasta Plant, together with a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) compliance. This demonstrates the commitment to you, our valued customers, and it also shows that we are committed to maintaining international standards in all our food processes.

Through a well-established network of 11 depots (9 in Namibia, 1 in South Africa, 1 in Zambia), Namib Mills ensures that the company’s products are available at wholesalers and retailers nationwide. The company takes pride in providing high levels of service commitment, consistent quality and continuous product availability.


Namib Mills has worked hard over the decades with various partners to support some of the most vulnerable members in our society. We feel a strong sense of responsibility to the communities in which we operate, and we believe in the potential of these communities.

Namib Mills’ social investment responsibilities serve as an indication that the company is committed to Namibia and the development of the communities in which it operates. Namib Mills focus areas are nutrition, nutrition education, women empowerment and SME development. Tertiary education is supported through the Roots Bursary Programme.  The primary focus is to assist the most vulnerable members of our society and we do this through feeding programs and donating to charities and organisations that align with our goals. Windhoek Life Change Centre is a welfare organization that is registered with the Ministry of Health and Social welfare. Namib Mills sponsors this organization with a monthly contribution, to ensure they continue providing help to vulnerable communities. The total amount allocated monthly on average is N$305 244.75 totalling to N$3 662 938.00 per annum.

Some of the projects we lend our support to are as follows:

  • Namib Mills recently donated 3 pallets totalling 2.9 tons of Top Score maize meal and 3 pallets totalling 1.3 tons of Polana macaroni to the valueof N$75 000 to the Government of Namibia to aid its fight against Covid-19.
  • Eduvision project – this project aims to provide quality education to all, our sponsorship to this school is N$100 000 cash yearly plus food monthly.
  • S.P.E.S – This charity organization was established for the main purpose of serving the less fortunate children and youth in our country by helping them step out of poverty through encouragement, education and support. Namib Mills is one of SPES’ main sponsors and our contribution of N$250 000 makes it possible for us to be involved in the lives of over 2000 children growing up in extreme poverty.

We see the difference that our efforts make to the communities we can serve. Further Namib Mills will ensure that during the Covid-19 pandemic the quality, production, distribution and supply of food products to the Nation remain our priority.

Namib Mills is a proudly Namibian company, we strive to be a better company by nurturing and uplifting the communities around us. Namib Mills will continue to play our part in ‘Feeding the Nation’.

P. O Box 20276, Windhoek, Namibia

Windhoek Namib Mills
Tel: +264 61 290 1000

Bavaria Depot
Tel:+264 61 290 164

Gobabis Depot
Tel:+264 62 563 793

Katima Mulilo Depot
Tel:+264 66 253 150

Keetmanshoop Depot
Tel:+264 63 223 605

Mariental Depot
Tel:+264 63 241 040

Ondangwa Depot
Tel:+264 65 240 294/722

Otavi Depot
Tel:+264 67 234 024/297/157/713

Otjiwarongo Depot
Tel:+264 67 303 204

Walvis Bay Depot
Tel:+264 64 207 330