The Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation (formerly Ministry of Foreign Affairs), was established at Namibia’s independence in 1990.The Ministry is entrusted with the primary function of formulating, promoting and executing Namibia’s foreign policy and the conduct of Namibia’s international relations.
The foundation and guide for the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation is the Constitution, which defines all aspects of state power in Namibia.
Article 96 of the Constitution stipulates five general guidelines which underpin the Government’s commitment to actively promote friendly and beneficial relations and co-operation with other nations, and also to foster, in concert with them, the maintenance of the rule of law, peace, security, social justice and economic welfare.
The five guidelines which are contained in the Constitution are:
- Adopt and maintain a policy of non-alignment;
- Promote international co-operation, peace and security;
- Create and maintain just and mutually beneficial relations among nations;
- Foster respect for international law and treaty obligations;
- Encourage the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means.
Based on Article 96 of the Namibian Constitution, the Government of Namibia has already identified key strategic foreign policy goals and objectives to be pursued by the Ministry, and at times, in conjuction with the relevant Ministries, offices and agencies. The key strategic foreign policy goals are as follows:
- Promotion and protection of Namibian’s sovereign, territorial intergrity, national security and social well-being;
- Promotion and enhancement of Namibian’s prosperity through economic growth and sustainable development;
- Promotion of International peace and security, regional co-operation, especially through active support, collective initiatives and effective multilateralism;
- Promotion of Namibian’s and African’s standing and influence in world affairs;
- Protection of the welfare of Namibian citizen abroad; and
- The provision of professional and appropriate service to the Government and Private inistitutions and individuals with interests abroad.
In line with the above, the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation is, therefore, the administrative machinery responsible for the management of the foreign policy of the Republic of Namibia. Its activities and functions are geared towards the formulation, co-ordination and smooth functioning of the policies of Namibia in so far as they involve relations, bilateral and multilateral, with other countries and international organizations.
To be an excellent driven, world class and effective Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation.
To promote Namibia’s national interest, internationally in order to advance sustainable and equitable socio-economic development, internationally co-operation, peace and security.
- Commitment
- Competence
- Discipline
- Integrity
- Teamwork
Directorate of Legal Treaties and Agreements
The Directorate is headed by a Director and has main two divisions: Multilateral Treaties division and Bilateral agreements division, each headed by a Deputy Director.
The Directorate:
- assists in the preparation and deposit of instruments for ratification/acceptance/accession of Conventions;
- receives and processes requests for legal assistance from other Ministries and other countries;
- participates in the negotiations of agreements, coordinates negotiations with other Ministries, and does the preparation of agreements to be signed;
- provides in-house legal advice;
- attends to the authentication of documents;
- attends to meetings of a legal nature;
- participates in the work of international and disarmament organizations, etc
Directorate of Information and Research
This Directorate is headed by a Director and consists of two sections: Public Relations section and library section, headed by a Deputy Director.
The directorate is task with implementing the Public Diplomacy strategies, develop research strategy and enhance library management system.
The objective is to create a communication environment that allows optimal opportunity for the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation to gain exposure through the use of various communication and information tools.
The Directorate provides information about current events to the media, the domestic public and the foreign public.
The Directorate has embarked upon a renewed comprehensive public diplomacy drive that will ensure that the ministry’s international relations policy is known across all sectors of our society.

Private Bag 13347, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: (+264 61) 282 9111