The Pupkewitz Foundation were very humbled by the opportunity to work with Honourable Dr Libertine Amathila on the Otjomuru Community Clinic Project.

The building of this clinic and nurses accommodation was a passion project initiated through the vision Dr Libertina Amathila. The clinic was constructed and paid for by the Pupkewitz Foundation as a donation to the Ministry of Health and Social Service.

It was officially opened 20 June 2018 by the Vice President, Hon Nangolo Mbumba, Hon Libertina Amathila and Ms Merly Barry Ceo of the Pupkewitz Foundation.

 The clinic is situated in the remote village of Otjomuru on the foot of the  Zebra Mountains in the Great Kunene region.  It will provide services to the Ovahimba, Ovatue community  The cost of this project is estimated at N$1,2 million