The development of any country relies largely on the quality of human capital. Education plays a vital role in the development of human capital and is linked with individuals’ well-being and opportunities for better living. Attending pre-school education is considered as the first step in a child’s educational journey and it is among the major factors determining later success of students in the academic arena.
Since we are in the business of managing and mitigating risks, we understand the risk of not taking preventative or enabling action, in consideration of an unwanted outcome. We appreciate the risk of not investing in a better future for our children, particularly, those from humble backgrounds. As a corporate citizen, Hollard Namibia is happy to join hands with Government, in its efforts at development and the upliftment of the vulnerable people in our beautiful country.  Our partnership with the AMS Project is one way of achieving this objective, while continuing to engage those institutions and individuals who focus on narrowing the social deficit that keeps driving inequality in our communities.  
Hollard Namibia and Amos Meerkat Syllabus Project stood together to answer the plight of hundreds and thousands of children living in marginalized communities all over Namibia who, to whom due to demographics, accessibility and a multitude of various reasons, pre-school education remains a lofty luxury.
Hollard has injected an amount of over N$1.2 million over the last couple of years, with a fresh sponsorship of N$450,000 four weeks ago into the AMS Project, additional to our current sponsorship commitment, to not only fund the project’s current goals but also to safeguard the expansion and generating greater success of the project. Since 2013, AMS has produced amazing results, proving without a doubt that an initiative such as this can make a difference to those who need it most.
Since that time roughly 200 teachers were trained, 182 schools established and around 6000 children given the opportunity for a better future. These are statistics that we are extremely proud of and hope to see an increase in the years to come. The stark reality is that, until a few years ago, these kids had no alternative access to pre-school opportunities on the farms on which their parents are employed.
As part of the larger whole, at Hollard we believe one only exists because of others. As one economy, we share our prosperity.  This philosophy is a constant reminder for us to always seek ways in which we can meaningfully add value to the lives of others.
Hollard Namibia recently celebrated our 15 year birthday, with the motto reading “celebrating 15 years of ensuring Namibian futures”, and we are proud for what that stands for. Through smart partnerships we strive to expand our reach to areas of Namibia that would normally not be reached, to deliver the most impactful and meaningful results as we possibly can.
At Hollard we passionately embrace our mission to be the catalysts of positive and enduring change, to ensure as many Namibian futures as possible. The only way to do this is by looking at the world we live in, with a particular focus on our immediate communities, to identify where we can make it better, for all of us as a resilient nation. The greatest stories ever told can be told because great things needed to happen first. Under our purple brand we strive to make them happen!