The Namibia Financial Institution Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA) says producing the best annual report in Namibia affirms that good corporate governance and stakeholder management is key. NAMFISA has once again received the PMR Africa Diamond Award for producing the best Annual Report for 2018 in Namibia for the 8th year running.

“This award is a result hard work and commitment in building improved beneficial relationships with our customers and stakeholders, premised on collaboration, trust and productive and active engagement,” says the regulatory authority’s CEO Kenneth Simataa Matomola.

While thanking his team Matomola stressed that NAMFISA employees strive to demonstrate efficient and effective accountability to stakeholders and customers, and that has led to winning this award. Winning the PMR Award, Matomola says affirms again that NAMFISA is a leader in good corporate governance, stakeholder engagement and prudent management of resources.

The Annual report publication IS downloadable from