The FirstRand Namibia Foundation Trust handed over an amount of N$ 450 000 towards the Tsumkwe Secondary School and its operations. Louw Durand, Branch Manager First National Bank Otjiwarongo said in his address that the FirstRand Namibia Foundation Trust’s emphasis was on strategic social investments in the community and environment that are in support of sustainable, projects dealing with national challenges. “We choose projects that help communities to help themselves, especially communities that are in the areas that we operate in.”

Louw added that given the nature of marginalised communities, school going children were often the most vulnerable and thus needed the Nation to support them. “FirstRand Namibia applauds the work of Edugate and the Eduvision programme because being in school leads to long term success academically. We support the teaching of Mathematics, Physical Science, Biology, Accounting and English to learners in remote areas starting with Physics and Mathematics in Tsumkwe SS. FirstRand Namibia believes in every child’s right to quality education – and this includes the marginalised learners of the San communities. We echo the words of the Harambee Prosperity Plan and agree that “no one should feel left out”.

Ms. Josephine Mutenda, Acting Director: Ministry of Basic Education, Arts & Culture in the Otjozondjupa Region thanked all parties who contributed towards the success of the education project. “The Otjozondjupa Regional Council, Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture and indeed on behalf of the Ministry is delighted to have this project up and running that will put a smile on all the learners of Tsumkwe.”