Only a few months since the official groundbreaking of its manufacturing plant, Namibia Plastics is already making strides toward its goal of entirely curbing the import of plastic products. It was a proud moment for CEO and co-founder, Johan Struwig and his team when he officially handed over packaging to Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL) – a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group – for its premium and world class beer brand, Windhoek Lager.

Significant about this handover, is the fact that the Windhoek Lager packaging has been an import service for many years, but will now be manufactured locally, as a result of the new Comexi F2 flexible packaging printer acquired by Namibia Plastics – a machine which, according to Struwig, is a first of its kind in the country, and is the ideal start to realizing the local plastic manufacturing dream. Struwig: “If Namibian companies believe in each other, take hands and support each other, we as a nation and as Business Namibia can compete internationally, by manufacturing world-class, quality products, locally. The stringent quality expectations of NBL, coupled with the commitment of the O&L Group to conduct business in an environmentally responsible way, gave Namibia Plastics the confidence to invest into world-class equipment when erecting our new factory at Brakwater.”

The Comexi F2 flexible packaging printer received a Red Dot Award when it was launched. The “Red Dot” has become established internationally as one of the most sought-after seals of quality for good design. Other companies that also received the “Red Dot” includes Porsche, when it launched its new 911 range, and Apple, when it launched the MacBook Air, among others. Struwig: “Our Comexi F2 flexograhic CI Press can print up to 8 colours and is capable of running speeds of 400 meters per minute. This means almost unlimited possibilities for our customers, most of them factories, who need to brand the packaging of their products before sending to the market – an advantage that will proof invaluably to our Namibian clientele, many of them which also exports their products and need to be able to compete in the international arena.”

NBL was Namibia Plastics’ very first client back in 2011 when the company was established. Struwig stressed that NBL’s support opened even further doors for the manufacturer on the local front, which has seen significant growth in Namibia Plastics over the past seven years – so much so that earlier this year, Namibia Plastics had its ground-breaking of a N$95 Million factory at Brakwater which will close the gap of an estimated 50% of plastic currently imported from abroad.

Accepting the Windhoek Lager 6-pack brand packaging, Managing Director of NBL, Wessie van der Westhuizen was very pleased at the result and expressed excitement in the relationship with Namibia Plastics going forward. Van der Westhuizen: “We are proud to be associated with Namibia Plastics, and are very happy with the services so far received from this proudly Namibian establishment. The quality is world-class. NBL is dedicated to supporting local and passionately supportive of government’s “growth-at-home” strategy. We will always be committed to supporting local first before looking abroad. Well done Namibia Plastics on proving that if we put our minds to it, we can!”

Struwig says the Namibia Plastics manufacturing plant will eventually replace approximately 1,000 tons of imports and manufacture it locally, thereby providing even more jobs in Namibia and adding value locally. “With the financial assistance from DBN and local investors which include Spitz Capital (Pty) Ltd, (a Regulation 29 compliant unlisted investment vehicle with the Government Institutions Pension Fund as principle investor), Namibia Plastics now has a 2660 Squares state-of-the-art manufacturing plant at Brakwater.  

“Our Vision at Namibia Plastics is to become the market leader everywhere we serve, and at the same time actively taking part in turning the flexible packaging printing and converting industry into an environmentally sustainable industry. Herewith below some indicators which specify the environmental benefits of our machine. With the new Comexi F2 Machine Namibia Plastics has seen a total reduction of 65% in emissions reduction.”