One Africa TV launches #LearnOnOne and partners with Eduvision (a project of the Edugate Academy) to broadcast free lessons for Namibian learners.

#LearnOnOne platform launch

In a move to support quality education for Namibian children from all walks of life, One Africa TV (OATV) launched #LearnOnOne today.

#LearnOnOne is a non-profit sub-brand of One Africa TV, with the purpose to sustainably provide Namibian children with free access to extra classes and educational material.

From 14 April 2020,​ #LearnOnOne material will be broadcast during daytime TV hours on the One Africa TV channel on DStv 284, GOtv 90 as well as streaming platforms (subscription free) and DStv Now.

“With the rebranding of One Africa TV in 2018, we committed ourselves to use our platforms and audience access to make life better for every Namibian we cross paths with. The #LearnOnOne platform and the partnership with Eduvision aligns perfectly with this goal. We believe that access to quality education for all Namibian children will change the trajectory of Namibia’s future for the better ”, said Stefan Hugo, CEO of One Africa TV commenting on why One Africa TV is investing in #LearnOnOne.

One Africa TV is a free to view channel, and provides content free of charge to broadcast platforms. It is supported by its clients who advertise on the channel and sponsor content.

Eduvision Partnership

A partnership agreement was signed on 1 April 2020 between Edugate Academy’s Eduvision Project and One Africa TV for the supply and broadcast of current Namibian school curriculum content for Grade 12, 11 and 10. Broadcast of Grade 12 classes will start from 14 April.

The organisations further agreed to collaborate to capture and broadcast lessons for more grades and subjects. .

Edugate Academy is a private school situated in Otjiwarongo, well known for its strong academic performance as well as its Eduvision project that established and operates interactive classrooms for rural schools. The purpose of it’s Eduvision Project is to teach Mathematics, Physical Science and Biology to remote marginalized schools through e-learning and modern technology with the assistance of well qualified, competent and

experienced teachers from an already well-established school administrative system (Edugate Academy).

Working to bridge the gap in education outcomes between well resourced and marginalised schools, Eduvision records Namibian Curriculum lessons on an ongoing basis.

The Edugate Academy said: “It has always been our dream and aim that every learner in Namibia will benefit from the type of supplementary teaching that the Eduvision project managed to bring to Schools especially in remote areas. The agreement with One Africa TV brings us another step closer to this dream. Yes, recorded lessons can never replace a teacher, but using it as supplementary material demonstrated great benefits for learners.”

Taleni Shimhopileni, Content Manager at One Africa TV and #LearnOnOne project leader said: “ThealignmentofpurposebetweenEduvisionandOneAfricaTVforthisprojectmakes usextremelyexcited. WearegratefulandthankfultoEduvisionforagreeingtopartnerwith us.”

How to support this project

Organisations interested in joining hands to support free TV learning for Namibian children are encouraged to contact One Africa TV or Eduvision.

We would like to thank the following sponsors who made it possible for Eduvision to produce and supply material to #LearnOnOne without additional costs: B2Gold, FNB, Nampower, Namib Mills, Northern Fuel Distributers, Paratus, Petrosol, Engling, Stritter & Partners, Edugate Academy, G&B Brokers, Hotel Thule, Kanaal 7, SGA and Telecom.


Stefan Hugo



Tel:  +264 81 141 0504

Taleni Shimhopileni

One Africa TV


Tel:  +264 81 792 8897

Frikkie Louw

Eduvision Project